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Why Need Love Life Enhancer Products

Premature ejaculation can dent your confidence. We get it. UniHealth’s solutions will help you last longer and make every bedroom performance count!

Premature Ejaculation

It occurs when a man climaxes sooner than normal during intercourse. It is the most common sexual problem faced by men today, with stats suggesting that 1 in 3 men face this condition.

Partner's dissatisfaction

For both men with PE and their partners a lack of control leads to dissatisfaction, a feeling that something is missing from the relationship, and an impaired sense of intimacy.

The help available

Delay Spray is designed to help keep the lovemaking going longer and stronger. Men reported lasting 64% longer when using this spray. It’s the perfect sidekick to boost sexy time, so you don’t have to hold back.

Trusted Love Life Enhancer Products

UniHealth chooses only the best quality ingredients for all products. Rest assured, all our treatments are full of holistic goodness, and nothing else

Mini Love Delay Spray for Men

Delay your ejaculation and help your partner reach new heights of pleasure. “MINI LOVE” delay spray helps you last longer and deliver an impressive sexual performance.

Why should you buy it? 

HIFORCE Delay Spray for Men

Delay your ejaculation and help your partner reach new heights of pleasure. “HIFORCE 25000” delay spray helps you last longer and deliver an impressive sexual performance.

Why should you buy it? 

PROMESCENT Delay Spray for Men

Delay your ejaculation and help your partner reach new heights of pleasure. “PROMESCENT” delay spray helps you last longer and deliver an impressive sexual performance.

Why should you buy it? 

How To Use The Products

Step 1

Spray on the tip 15-20 minutes before intercourse.

Step 2

After 15 minutes, wipe with a clean dry cloth before intercourse.

Step 3

Wash thoroughly with water after sex.

How it works

Trusted shop UniHealth

Lidocaine 10%, is an FDA-approved ingredient, with it’s fast absorption formula.

The spray easily fits in your pocket so you can carry it wherever you go and be ready to perform your best whenever you want!

The active ingredient is designed to not transfer to your partner and cause an unwanted experience for them.

We ensures complete privacy and saves you an awkward visit to the pharmacy.


Trsuted by Thousands


I used to have performance anxiety because I wasn’t able to last very long, it was very annoying for me and my girlfriend. The MiniLove was very effective. 

Qulaity & Cost: 5.00


For me, it helped me get my confidence back and reduce stress and fear of finishing early.  I was amazed at the quality of the spray. 

Qulaity & Cost: 5.00


I don’t know what else to say. Wow, what great service, I love it, the spray is the most valuable resource I have EVER purchased.

Qulaity & Cost: 5.00

Any Questions? Find answers here.

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You should apply the spray 10-15 minutes before you want to perform. This will give the product the required time to start working.

You must be careful while spraying and not spray an excessive amount. Usually 3-4 sprays should do the job.

No you won’t. It can cause mild irritation if you spray more than 5-7 times.

Delay spray refers to a wide range of sprays designed to treat premature ejaculation. Our Delay Spray is formulated with lidocaine. Lidocaine is a common and thoroughly tested local anesthetic with a long track record. Clinical studies have found lidocaine to be safe and well tolerated by the majority of people. If you are allergic to lidocaine, you should not use delay spray to treat PE and should discuss your medical history with your healthcare provider before you start using any spray to treat your PE.
Note that not all delay sprays are formulated with the same active ingredients. While some contain lidocaine, others may have benzocaine or another topical anesthetic. If you have sensitive skin, consult a healthcare professional before starting a delay spray.

We usually dispatch the medicines on the same day or the next day. The orders are usually delivered in 4-6 days based on your location. Deliveries to remote locations might take more than 6 days.

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